PD |
Political Donors LLC |
0-12 mo: 199,094 Rate/M:
$85. Minimum
Order: 5,000 records Selects: $5/M |
2022-2023 DONORS OF THE DISTRICT Profile: This is the most recent, and
total compilation of all political, institutional and social/humanitarian donors living in
and around the nation's capital. Politically savvy, deep-pocketed and
intelligent, the individuals on this incredible file - Democrats & Republicans - have long known
large donations get children fed; clinics built; memorials erected; homeless housed, environment’s saved,
minorities helped, and candidates elected. Individuals on this file are
selectable by contribution amount and party. Demographics: o Average
Age: 53 o Male
40%, Female 46% o Median
Income: $ 78K o Married:
62% Source: 100% Direct Mail and local records. |
Political Donors LLC 2 Toronto Street, Suite 221 Toronto, ON M5C2B5 info@apil.us |