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6-2400 Dundas Street West Suite 312 Mississauga, ON L5K 2R8 tel 905-403-9400 fax 905-403-9402 |
Total: 368,857
Rate: $95/M 0-12 Months Minimum Order: 5,000 Selects: $5/M $ Amount SCF ZIP Gender Phones Inquire Media/Delivery ftp/email: $35. |
The Multiplex is the Democrat strategists fantasy file of donors who have made multiple donations to multiple campaigns during the most recent election cycle. These are minimum $100, multiple donors to multiple campaigns, candidates and ballot issues. These people are identified as giving a lot, often, and to many causes. Updates to this file continue into 2014. The Multiplex is a recent, up-to-date list of multi givers to mutliple Democratic & Liberal candidates for state office, state and county committees, state legislative committees, mayoral candidates, as well as mainstream liberal appeals for national health care, 2nd Amendment review, pro-immigration, environmental legislation and closing tax loopholes for high wage earners. You could test other lists, or get immediate results with the Multiplex. These individuals are contributors and supporters of mainstream left and progressive candidates and issues. Demographics: Average Age: 51 Male 51%, Female 49% Source: 100% Direct Mail
Dundas Street West Suite 312 Mississauga, ON L5K 2R8 tel 905-403-9400 fax 905-403-9402 |